.OSRAM HALOTHERM infrared Hologen lamps 200W-3000W 紅外線燈管
HALOTHERM lamps are halogen infrared lamps which have been specially developed for technical applications. They consist of a tungsten heating coil, enclosed within either a quartz glass or quartz material tube. The gas filling of the quartz tube contains halogen additives which enable a halogen cycle, thereby avoiding blackening of the lamp and ensuring long coil life.
These lamps have their maximum radiation in the short wave infrared range (IR-A) at a wavelength of about 1100 nm. Quartz glass is highly transparent for infrared radiation up to a wavelength 4 μm, which ensures that the heat radiation is emitted with minimum loss.
The use of reflectors enables accurate aiming of the radiation. Energy transfer occurs without contact, is efficient and causes minimum material strain.
Important advantages of heating with HALOTHERM lamps when compared to other methods such as hot air or dark lamps are quick reaction times, accurate controllability and high efficiency. They can be installed in machines and production lines with minimum space and maintenance requirements.
According to the technical specifications the lamps are available in different geometrical shapes and connection techniques. Filaments in segments make very special radiation distributions possible. Lamps made from ruby quartz or with ruby quartz tubes do only emit the wanted heat radiation and hold back visible light successfully. In the first place, they are employed where visible light would upset or where the supplied energy should be transferred into heat optimally. Lamps with on-sprayed reflectors dramatically improve radiation power on the surfaces to be heated particularly for short distances and also reduce the heating up of the luminaries of external reflectors. The result is a more efficient and, therefore, more environmentally friendly heating process.
HALOTHERM infrared lamps can be successfully used as high-tech heating elements for:
HALOTHERM, the advanced alternative in technical heating applications, means: